Saturday, November 11, 2006

I Am Bored

So, since I haven't updated this stupid thing since Monday (and even that wasn't really an update, just some silly little thing I make in 5 seconds using Fireworks) I really want to post an update today, as if I don't, I may lose interest in blogging like I have since, well, since before I started this blog :P

Anyway, I don't really know what to write about today.. besides the fact that I got only around 4 hours of sleep last night. I stayed up a bit longer than I should have playing (no, seriously:) calculator games. Yeah, go figure. Plus I had this 4 hour long planning meeting for planning out all the mutual activities for next year that started at around 7:00 in the morning. Ouch. Major sleep lackage, doods.

Welp, I got my real driver's license today in the mail.. and I have car insurance, but my dad still won't let me drive around anywhere. (Well, he did let me drive to the stake center for the above mentioned planning meeting, but that's because it's only, like, a half a mile away.) Apparently I'm only limited to driving to church and to work for now. Yeah, it bites. But hey, that means that on the days that I work, I can pretend that I had to work a bit later than usual so I can visit some of you peoples after I get off work! It's the perfect plan! Muhahahaha!

Anyway. Wow, I guess I found something to write about today. Fun, fun, fun. Ummm... closing quote. Lemme think of one here. "A mole, digging in a hole, digging up my soul now, going down, excavation." There ya go.

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