I thought that some day I would be writing a post about lemons on here, so why not now. So, yeah:
Lemons are awesome. I don't really know why I'm so uberly obsessed with lemons, but I just love them. No, I don't like the taste of them.. too sour. Lemonade isn't exactly my cup of tea either (duh, that's probably 'cause lemonade does not equal tea, stupid.) But I just love lemons.
Don't ask me why. It's just an obsession.. that I have. Lemons have this bright yellow color, and they are so perfectly round - er, perfectly, oval-shaped. On the outside, lemons look so delectable. But on the inside, you'll find the most bitter tasting food this world has ever seen. How can something so perfectly round-ish and yellow be so good on the outside but so uberly bad on the inside?
That's a question I just can't answer. Nonetheless, lemons rock. They're everywhere. At the store, in your kitchen, on stage at U2 concerts (those kinds of lemons are the disco ball kind! Yay!), inside your drink (as lemonade, so I guess it's just the juice), on my cellphone (well.. not anymore. My cellphone wallpaper used to be lemons, but then Jacki took a picture of me with this strange facial expression, and she's been forcing me to keep it as my wallpaper ever since.), and probably some other places.
Anyway, the usual boring life update: ummm, yeah, nothing interesting has been going on. Nothing at all. Well, bye, all two of you that read this blog. See you's around.