Monday, December 25, 2006

It's X-berween!

No, wait, we don't live in Free Country, USA.. it's Christmas! Yay! Christmas break has been somewhat fun, but today has been the funnest. Well, now it's time to brag about what I've gotten so far. My parents Santa Claus gave me this schtuff:
  • - A Plug-and-Play TV Pac-Man game. Ya know, one of those cheap little game thingys you just plug right into your TV's video/audio ports and play. You know what I'm talking about. This one features the original arcade Pac-Man, and three other, less popular Pac-Man arcade games released back in the 80's: Pac-Man Plus, Super Pac-Man and Pac & Pal. (Yes, there were actually other Pac-Man games released besides Ms. Pac Man..) Check it out. I'ma post a pic:

  • - A strategy guide for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii. The only problem is, I don't have the said Zelda game that this strategy guide is for. I don't even have a Wii :S Oh well, guess I can study up on the game until I actually get one.
  • - A new pair of black Sunday pants, and a crapload of socks. Woot.
  • - And, a whole bunch of candy. Pretty much everybody I have connections to: my parents, most of my friends and coworkers, etc. have given me so much candy, I think I might asplode. Oh my.
Anyway, what about the things that I've given my family members and even some of my collegues? Welp..
  • - I gave my brother & sister a Gamecube game, Crazy Taxi. I used to have this game back when I had a Sega Dreamcast, and it was the funnest thing ever. I played that game so much, back then, it's insane: I've had the Gamecube version now for not even three days and I've already finished all of the Crazy Box missions. Yay for me.
  • - As for my mom, I gave her the new Josh Groban CD, Awake.
  • - And my dad, I gave him the U2 movie/documentary, Rattle and Hum, though that was more for me than for him :D I didn't really know what to get him, but I thought he'd have some interest in this.
  • - My friend Dan, I gave him Metroid Prime. In return, I got a whole bunch of old computer games and software, including an ancient version of Photoshop, and an old Need for Speed game. Oh, and The Sims, kind of..
  • - I bought a whole bunch of Kit Kats at Target the other day and gave them out to my friends at school on Wednesday. Yeah, I'm cheap :P
  • - And what about myself? I gave myself the U2 Zoo TV DVD using a gift card that my boss gave me for Christmas, and I just got done ordering another Gamecube game off teh interwebs: Midway Arcade Treasures 3. I mainly ordered this just for the games Hydro Thunder and San Francisco Rush 2049, both of which I enjoyed on the Dreamcast and would like to own them again for the Gamecube.
Welp, that just about does it for Christmas gifts. Oh, some of you guys may wonder why I didn't get a Nintendo Wii for Christmas: well, it's nearly impossible to find one nowadays, and my parents obviously didn't. But it's coming, as soon as Toys R Us replenishes their stock, they're supposed to be shipping one out to us, complete with a few games. One of them is Zelda. Anyway, I hope you guys are having a great Christmas. Has fun.

Sunday, December 24, 2006



GOOD B Y E ...........

Thursday, December 21, 2006

School is out, until next year

Finally.. school is out. And it's about time. I almost feel like I've been robbed of my second half of 2006, because it's gone by so fast. But it's all good, Christmas is almost upon us, and that's all that really matters, eh? Horpfully I'll be getting that certain gaming system that I've been wanting for a while.. if that turns out to be the contrary, then I'll just live with the various Gamecube games I'm planning on getting my siblings.

Anyway, I got a crapload of candy yesterday (of course, I gave away a crapload of candy yesterday, so I didn't really get much of a surplus..), plus, I just got done going to a little work party type thing this morning, where I got a stocking full of stuffed animal ducks that quack Joy to the World, and some other stuff. We were supposed to go bowling yesterday, but that didn't happen. Ah well.

So, I hope the very few readers that I have, and everyone else I know, will have a very Merry Christmas. Oh, and I apologize for the lemons post. That was quitely random. But, like I said, it's all good.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I thought that some day I would be writing a post about lemons on here, so why not now. So, yeah:

Lemons are awesome. I don't really know why I'm so uberly obsessed with lemons, but I just love them. No, I don't like the taste of them.. too sour. Lemonade isn't exactly my cup of tea either (duh, that's probably 'cause lemonade does not equal tea, stupid.) But I just love lemons.

Don't ask me why. It's just an obsession.. that I have. Lemons have this bright yellow color, and they are so perfectly round - er, perfectly, oval-shaped. On the outside, lemons look so delectable. But on the inside, you'll find the most bitter tasting food this world has ever seen. How can something so perfectly round-ish and yellow be so good on the outside but so uberly bad on the inside?

That's a question I just can't answer. Nonetheless, lemons rock. They're everywhere. At the store, in your kitchen, on stage at U2 concerts (those kinds of lemons are the disco ball kind! Yay!), inside your drink (as lemonade, so I guess it's just the juice), on my cellphone (well.. not anymore. My cellphone wallpaper used to be lemons, but then Jacki took a picture of me with this strange facial expression, and she's been forcing me to keep it as my wallpaper ever since.), and probably some other places.

Anyway, the usual boring life update: ummm, yeah, nothing interesting has been going on. Nothing at all. Well, bye, all two of you that read this blog. See you's around.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Another Sunday, another stupid blog entry

I think..... yeah, I just forgot. Hmm, what should I remember then. Oh, yeah. Well, maybe.

Okay, so, I need a topic for this week's blog entry. That isn't "my boring life" (a topic that nobody really cares about anyway, at least, I don't think anyone does). Hmmmm, a topic. How about.... pants.

Pants are awesome. If one did not wear pants, then during the winter, their legs would be freezing cold. Wait. There are certain kinds of pants, called shorts, that you wear and you will still be freezing cold when you wear them during the winter. Contradictions, contradictions! Oh my gosh. Quick! Assemble the navy! The universe is going to asplode! All hands on deck! This ship is going down!!

...okay, so, the universe really isn't going to asplwhatever, the church is still true, blahdeblahdeblah. Welp, okay, where was I. Oh! pants. Okay, so, pants. Are. Awesome. That's all you really know.

In other seriousity, my brother got baptized yesterday. That's really cool. Midterms came this week, and my grades suck the most they've ever sucked, like, ever. Seriously, I'm not like this when it comes to grades. I blame it on Radiohead. Well, not really. I think I really should go do some of my homework. That's what I really blame my bad-ish grades on. Really, really.