Monday, November 27, 2006


Wow, I seem to be only updating my blog once a week now. Strange. Well regardless of whether or not I'm actually intending on updating my blog only once a week or not, there's snow on the ground now. And it's about time. School started again today after thanksgiving break, and my gosh, I needed that break. Though I didn't really do anything except go to the grandma's to eat food, and work a whole lot. I worked for 10 whole hours on Saturday. That's just unhealthy.

Anyway, what to write.. ummm, Christmas is in less than a month, I gots my flu shot today (fun, I know), I just ate a crapload of pizza, and.. wow, I just got a text. Okay, *that* was random. I'll see you guys around. (well, depends on who "you guys" are... these "guys" may actually not exist, for all I know.)

1 comment:

Dan said...

Hahah. The snow has just begun. And it's going to be an effing long time before we start getting consecutive days of warm, sunny weather, so you'd better just hang on!

While I was giving my devotional in seminary today, I welcomed everyone and mentioned the snow. Some kid said that there was no snow at all, just hail. But.. he was wrong. =D It snowed even earlier at 7:00 in the morning.